1600 Happy Members “Life Transformation”

Boot Camp

A Fitness Boot Camp is a type of group physical training program conducted by HIFI. These programs are designed to build strength and fitness through a variety type of exercises.

HIFI Boot Camp Training often commences with dynamic stretching & running, followed by a wide variety of interval training including lifting weights/objects, pulling rubber TRX straps, pushups / situps, Plyometrics and various types of intensive explosive routines.

The boot camp is currently implemented by HIFI Fitness to describe group fitness classes that promote fat loss, camaraderie, and team efforts.

Group Exercise

a) Group Exercise incorporates variety of workout, which includes aerobics & anaerobics.
b) It increases flexibility, balance, strength & stamina. Improves muscle co- ordination and adds grace in movement and posture.
c) Classes in pilates, Plyometrics, Circuit training, Functional training, aerobic & anaerobic exercises, challengers.

a) A good form of Cardio Workout, Fitted with Spinning Bikes.
b) Spin away those calories to the rhythmic intensity of the trainer who guides you through various programme to increase heart rate & condition muscles while burning calories.

Our Transformation Stories!

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